Abundance Story

What is your abundance story? Huh?? What???
Filling out a health assessment the other day, I ran into the question of “what do I see as my abundance story?”. Boy, that one threw me for a loop. I was not sure of what they were asking.

Of course, I keep my thoughts positive. I am a firm believer in the law of attraction. But my abundance story? What was that?

I came up with a quick idea.

“My abundance story is to be a world-famous writer and Life Coach, with a couple books already on the NY Times best sellers list and traveling around the country giving talks and being interviewed by my favorite podcasters and YouTubers”.

That was not so hard… I’ve got that on my dream board! √
On second thought, maybe it means more than the end product. Maybe it is more than ‘where you see yourself in 10 years’. Your abundance story goes deeper than that. Do you feel abundance in every cell of your being? Weight? Health? Wealth? Mentally? Spiritually? Or do you feel sickness, scarcity, stress, and hardship?

In our culture, abundance is not so easy to find… at least it feels that way sometimes. We hear so many stories focused on pain and misery. The news and internet are full of scary stories that can make us forget the good in our loves.

Abundance thinking is a way of life. A personal perspective of believing the best is out there and inside each of us all.

How do we improve our abundance story? How do we learn to hear the loving, caring stories behind the news? How do we learn to focus on the beautiful parts of our body, job, or spouse and start to believe, even a little, that abundance can be ours?

When I wanted to change my abundance story, I began to read uplifting books, listen to podcasters who were talking about abundance, and kept away from the negative influencers in my environment. And slowly, my personal story began to change. The more I noticed abundance around me, the more it expressed itself with new connections, opportunities, and increased creativity.

It all starts with a choice. What will you watch, listen to, and participate in this week to find abundance in your life?

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